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How to Copy/Paste Sections to your Projects?

This is the Step-by-Step tutorial on How to Copy Framify Sections and paste into your Projects.

Important! "Make sure to Remix Starter File and paste these sections to that Projects. Because it will automatically Detect the Colors and you'd be able to Switch Between Light/Dark Mode easily."

So, let's get started.

01/ Open Premade Section Page:

LogIn to your account then Click "Premade Sections."

02/ Filter by Categories:

From here you can Filter the sections by it's categories. Or you can browse Featured/Free Sections.

03/ Copy Section:

When you find the right Section for your website then Click to "Copy to Clipboard" icon.

04/ Paste Section:

Now its time to Paste into your "Starter Project File." Make sure to set the Canvas Height to "Fit Content."

05/ Set Section Width:

Click "Section" and Set its Width to "Fill."

06/ Responsive Adjustment:

Now the Section will Fit into their Respective Width. If it doesn't work then you can manually change the Variant from Desktop to Tablet (for Tablet) and Desktop to Phone (for Phone),

07/ Unlink Section:

Its time to Detach Component from Primary Source. Double click Section and click "Unlink & Replace All."

08/ Detach Section:

After Unlinking. Right Click on Section and Detach Instance.

09/ Replace Components:

You can replace the Component with your Own Components just like shown in the Image.

10/ You're Done!

You can now easily switch Section in between Light and Dark mode.

I hope you found this tutorial helpful. If you still have any questions. Feel free to Contact Us via Support form.

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